Cyclist in a tulip field

Most beautiful cycling routes across The Netherlands Challenge

Most beautiful cycling routes across The Netherlands
Windmills, tulips & a bike

As you might know The Netherlands is not only famous for tulips and windmills but also for bicycles. The number of bicycles has long surpassed the number of people. The Netherlands only makes sense when you are on two wheels. According to Long Term NL Challenge, the country has in 2020 no more than 355 continental townships. When you have been in all of them either by riding or by the means of your own two feet, you have completed the challenge.

Outside is free and still open. And due to Coronavirus we have started cycling more. The regular routes became a little bit boring and the wish to expand further that the normal horizon became bigger. But why cycling got me so hooked? Because I started to work more intensively on completing this challenge.

What about this challenge?

Can we make something meaningful out of it? It would be nice if we could ride the most beautiful cycling routes across The Netherlands instead, hence the title of this post. For me is does not makes sense to complete the challenge as fast as possible, but is more about discovering The Netherlands by bike. And what I mean is discovering beautiful and meaningful places but also finding the hidden gems this country has to offer. Every trip is like a mini holiday somewhere close-by.

There are many marked routes of various lengths, some which have an interesting Dutch theme signed LF routes. Haven’t done any yet completely, but parts of them. Mainly my choices are guided by the weather, especially the sun, the seasons, Google picture searches and the places that are getting high recommendations on Komoot. There is also the influence of time needed to get there or other obligations that restrict the free time.

Maybe in the end I am going to make my own ranking of the best places/routes but we shall see. Until then I take it as a learning process (check here how to prepare for a bike ride). And nevertheless, I want to take you with me while discovering the most beautiful cycling routes across The Netherlands.

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